14 tips ways to be a master DM networker, so you grow your business
(And how you keep destroying your chances with bad messaging practices)
I don't always delete the DMs I receive. Messaging people via social networks to create opportunities and deals is certainly not dead.
Networking in the right way can open up a ton of opportunities for you as you grow your brand and business online, not least finding new clients.
But your methods might suck, and hold you back.
It doesn't need to be this way.
Here are some things to avoid:
Too long.
The messages I'm most likely to respond to don't take long for me to read.
My time is limited, and if you're wondering why no one responds to your mini-theses, it takes a lot of brain power to read and formulate a response that does your message justice.
You give me no reason to reply.
If you're looking to develop a relationship with me, and you initiated the conversation, you can't allow the message exchange to stop dead.
You need to give me a reason to reply.
Ask me a question - something.
If this isn't clear to me, I won't.