Let’s face it.
Life can get stressful, especially if you spend your time stewing in your thoughts.
Depending on who you ask, you’ll be given a range of solutions to stress, anxiety and a weird sense that things aren’t ‘right’ in your life.
Fifteen years of writing and publishing my thoughts online has been one of the most effective ways of finding peace of mind.
I’ll show you why this is:
1. Writing gives an outlet to your thoughts.
Stress is directly related to the volume of thoughts in your brain box.
If long walks can’t silence the clutter, writing often will. Writing helps you discern between those helpful and unhelpful thoughts, transferring them to paper.
When you do this, even if it is symbolically, you’ll enjoy decreased overwhelm.
2. Writing makes you feel more confident.
Anxiety is often a sign you have lost faith in your ability to manage the world around you.
Uncertainty will always prevail, but if you can exert some control on one tiny aspect of your life, with consistency, you’ll be put back in touch with your inner strength.
Writing consistently gives you that sense you’re advancing, growing and creating (regardless of how you feel).
3. Writing takes you out of your neuroses.
Writing forces you to channel your attention away from yourself towards being of use in the world.
When people say they are looking for happiness, they really mean they are looking for usefulness.
We instantly feel better when we direct our attention to improving others’ lives through our words.
4. Writing gives life meaning.
When you write to help others, to fight a cause, or to improve the world, even if it’s in a small way, you’re on a mission.
Living for something greater than yourself is the most fulfilling thing you can do.
Being on purpose makes getting up in the morning a totally different experience.
5. Publishing is vulnerable but ultimately strengthening.
We live in an age in which most people are afraid to invite criticism.
They walk on eggshells, trying to be nice, trying their best not to offend. Guess what, they are miserable.
Every time you hit send on your work, you make a small bet on yourself, even if you feel nervous. Strong, resilient people are continually opening themselves up to loss.
The positive irony here is you get stronger every time you publish.
6. Writing slowly builds your legacy.
Sad people often live solely for themselves.
This is understandable if you are in survival mode. But many have moved past mere survival. It’s time to turn your knowledge, experiences and failures into material others can now benefit from.
Each article you share and each book you publish is expanding your legacy.
And when we’re on a path of legacy-building, we can’t help but feel a burgeoning peace of mind because we’re part of something bigger.
7. Writing exercises your creative brain.
To create is to express your humanity.
When this part of us is left to atrophy, we feel it like a stone in the chest.
It feels off. We need to create to be happy and in touch with our humanity. Writing is the conduit for creative expression.
Stop creating; stop living.
8. Writing builds your community.
People are sad and lonely because they don’t put energy into creating, maintaining and growing their social connections.
Not all of these people need to be in your house. They can be halfway across the planet.
Your community, both online and offline, is a vital asset. It supports and pays you just as you support it. This synergy will infuse life into your bones.
Your community responds well to words, just as humans realised language was a powerful way to connect and find meaning.
Build your community with your words, and find connection.
9. Writing builds a satisfying record of your progress.
Writing about your triumphs and losses, personal stories, or anything else, accumulates into an extended memoir.
This is satisfying. You’re building a beautiful record of who you are.
You’re taking memories and emancipating them in writing form.
In many years, you can look back over your earlier words and see where you were and how you were thinking at the time.
10. Writing creates solutions.
I don’t write because I know everything about what I write about. I write to find solutions to problems I have.
Finding solutions makes me happy because it trains my mind to look for solutions. Writing is a tool that helps us work through a problem to a solution.
And when you do this for yourself, you awaken thousands to these solutions too.
How to Start (no pressure required):
Get into the world of writing by first dumping your thoughts onto paper without overthinking or editing. Let it flow.
Become familiar with the satisfying release felt by just transferring thoughts to paper.
Writing isn’t just for ‘writers.’
It’s your route to clearing your mind, experiencing uncommon wellness, and living purposefully.
This becomes much easier when you know how to write words that make people want to follow you for the long haul.
Trust me, writing gets a lot more exciting and fulfilling when you write to a growing audience.
Online Writing Alchemy helps you side-step years of pain so you build an enthusiastic writing habit, your words jump out of the page to grab your ideal readers and buyers of your products.
→ Learn more about the course here.
And if you’d like access to hundreds of locked articles like this one, you’ll want to become a paying subscriber here on Substack for less than the price of a couple of coffees each month:
The closest thing you can get to free therapy.
Thank you for this! Writing is definitely a conscious effort for me, as I’m so used to keeping most things in my head. At this stage of my life, I believe writing is my way out of survival mode. Not just in the form of income but in how I start to live again.